Friday, April 29, 2011

ups and downs

well the Sangin job fell through, as a person leaving decided not to and the vacancy disappeared; but with two more interviews lined up I'm not too down. I'm also applying to uni's further afield, but I'm not hopeful there. I'm trying not to harp on work stuff too much, but not knowing where you will be in 3 months is stressful. I know that it's a bit early to be looking for July work, but it would be nice to sort it out in the next week.

I'm also trying to get more excited about Taiwan and then my free week back in Korea. Normally I'd be jumping up and down like a 6 year old on Christmas Eve, but with all that's happening I'm not as gung-ho as I'd otherwise be. I'm also very excited to see my friends and family in Vancouver after such a long time away. In fact, the upside of SEI's collapse is that I'll have an extra week or two there.

It's one hell of a roller coaster, and I'm trying to just enjoy the ride as best I can. After a year and a half of total stability, this is probably exactly what I need, even if it doesn't feel like it now.

Ok, enough emoting.

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