Friday, April 8, 2011

Radioactive rain, and I don't even have any super powers

well fear and media collide again with reports that rain that is falling in Korea and northern China might contain traces of radiation from the Daiichi plant leaks. Koreans just seem to be even more afraid of the outdoors than usual and hide under umbrella's every day. However, mass panic seems to have largely passed the peninsula by.  Not so in China where the Chinese are freaking out with comic and tragic results. Apparently some idiot started a rumor that salt consumption helps prevent cell damage caused by radiation. The result was that stores from Beijing to Harbin to Dalian were selling out of salt and they soy sauce in store mob scenes not usually seen outside of a Wal-Mart on black friday or boxing day. Apparently several people actually died after consuming too much salt (so yes, it can kill you). I'll let you decide if that is tragic, comic or both.

As to how much damage is actually being done. Well I haven't seen any decontamination suites and hoses or even Patrick Stewart eye-balling anyone (I guess I'm also safe from Klingons :P) so my guess is that I am largely safe from the radioactive rain. The real tragedy is that media scaring people has actually led to deaths in China (I hope the story was worth it). That's the moral I'm getting here anyway.

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