Friday, December 27, 2013

North Pace

Jarrod reminded me today of North Face in Korea, which in turn reminded me that I was going to write a blog on this subject.

CNN covers it in their flippant style here.

Though they do get a few things right. Kids wear these yuppie jackets as a status symbol to the point where they will beat each other up for them. The article states that there is a hierarchy according to who has what jacket, and while I have never seen that to such a degree, there is certainly a competition over these stupid jackets. While we had that stuff as a kid it was usually over a new video game or pogs. If I wanted a $70 video game I got it for Christmas. A $700 jacket? Man my parents were too smart to be conned in to that.

Well kids are kids so I can only hate on them so much. What gets me is the parents who encourage this behaviour by buying a 14 year old a $700 jacket (the Beverly Hillbillies, now in Asia). As I have said before Korean parents are creating a generation that will hate their parents. I am glad it is changing among younger mom's, but the kids who are 12-18 have parents who are still of the old generation. Also, the schools seem to turn a blind eye to it. If a kid stole another kids jacket that was a big deal at my elementary school, no matter who the parents were. I guess 50 year old principle still has Confucius stuck up his ass. Thank god for Koreans under 40.

So anyway, remember that in Korea a North Face jacket, skinny jeans and a perm make you cool, not a homosexual yuppie (not that there is anything wrong with being a homosexual).

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