Monday, October 22, 2012

My London Weekend

After the museum I had to head out to Forest Hill to meet Rosie and Karis. We were all on our way to visit Greta and Rafa. Great is an old friend of Rosie's. In fact I remember Greta when I was in Elementary school. She has been in London with her boyfriend and their time here is up. They were moving their stuff to Rosie's for storage and were having a final meal at their favourite local pub.

Saturday involved the actual move and a day in Rosie's neighbourhood. We hung out, watched a few bad movies and explored Rosie's neighbourhood a bit.

Sunday Rosie, Karis and I decided to do to Oxford. I had been in the U.K a week but had not left London. What I got in Oxford was "real" England. Not that London isn't, but it's a vast, multicultural, international and not totally English city. Oxford felt, well, English.

Of course it is also home to the oldest university in the world, with medieval architecture and a beautiful park. We spent the day exploring it and seeing the sights, including the High Street, Oxford Castle and the University. It was a really cool city and I wish I'd had more time there. Unlike London, where you are going to see specific things, Oxford itself is the sight. It doesn't leave as much to write about other than the vibe was amazing.

After that we went back to London and again met Greta and Rafa at the Old Salt Quay, a pub on the Thames. Watching the sunset over the Thames was definitely a cool experience and one not to be missed. We then headed back to Rosie's apartment and were off to bed, as everyone but me was out early (Great and Rafa were starting a six week European holiday at 4am).

Also, these are coming out almost a week late as I am not settled yet. As soon as I am I'll try to bang out more.

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