Monday, March 7, 2011

a PERManent issue with the kids

I blows me away how many boys are walking in to the academy today with these goofy perms. I don't mean the middle school kids either. Like grade 2,3 and 4 kids with full on perms. I remember when I came here a few kids had them, but I'm amazed at just how many seem to have them now. It amazes me for several reasons:

1- they just look ridiculous
2- they are little kids, why would you spend all that money on their hair?
3- are there not more important thing sto spend the family income on then perms for their sons (emphasis on sons here)

I think it's a bit sad that so many parents choose to subject their children to this, especially as they just look so terrible with these Kim Jung-Il style quaffs or wavey short hair. I think it's to av ethe kids look their best at the start of the new chool year, and I know parents everywhere subject their children to this so they will look good for the other kids, so I'll let the grade two kid with a prep school uniform go. But a perm? I thik that is where the line should be drawn, especially as, as I can't emphasise this enough, they just look comically bad.

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