Friday, February 4, 2011

The Kpop post.

Kpop is the new wave of Korean pop music. It is HUGE, not just in Korea but all over most of Asia. In fact, about the only place it isn't popular is in the west. Anyway, a lot of it is full on pop, but it's catchy, and it has more listeners than Justin Bieber. It's hard to talk about Korea without talking about this. So I thought better to just show you. This has been top hits for me for the last 2 years.

PS- it is mostly girl groups, not just my bias :)

These have been the BIGGEST songs of the last 2 years. Like everywhere:

Choco 사랑
Bo Peep
Run Devil Run

this one was really popular in Thailand, but less so in Korea:

See Ya

other popular ones:

Again and Again

Good Girl, Bad Girl
치티치티 방방
La Cha Ta
토요일 밤에 (a throwback to Korea (and Asia) in the 80's)

My real wish is that Frank Zappa had lived to see this.

Anyway, it's not an exaggeration to say that based on number of listeners, this is the most popular music in the world today. Enjoy :)

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