Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Last Sunday, I went to Bullodong to see a part of Daegu I've read about but haven't managed to get to in over a year of living here. Bullodong is an ancient Korean...... well..... graveyard in northeast Daegu. It has several hundred burial mounds called tumuli (which mostly look like piles of dirt covered in grass, but they are the graves of Korean nobles from the 4th-6th centuries). It was a nice chance to get out on what will probably be our last warm day for a few months. I also went to a small dam and park in the area, which was a nice distraction from the city (which is really starting to get smoggy, I'm hoping the forecasted rain/wind come true) and just relaxed.

I also found a great little restaurant near the tumuli park, that really felt like an old Korean restaurant with some absolutely amazing food. I love finding little gems like that as one of the problems with Korea's rapid modernisation is that it has become so easy to forget that there is a 2500 year history in this country (especially in the cities there is really very little evidence of that history as anything old seems to be torn down or upgraded) so finding a really old style restaurant next to 1500 year old graves is a great reminder of where you really are. It's especially great for me, having grown up in a city where a building from WWII is considered a heritage building you can forget what old really is.

I'm also happy to report a 90 minute Korean study today. Not bad given how lazy I have been, hoping to keep it up tomorrow :P

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