Thursday, February 9, 2012

I'm 30

Well I can tick off another decade, yesterday my youth started the back 9 as I turned 30. My actual day was low key. The day before I had chatted with my Mom and had a coworker dinner/makgeolli with Kris amd Mike. I hit midnight at the dear leader Makgeolli jip. I was happy about that. On my actual birthday I got up and chatted to my dad and then headed off to work where there was ddokbokki and cola (they know I can't eat something on cake but couldn't remember what it was so my boss bought that, which I thought was very sweet). I then banged out six classes and came home to Chinese food and home cooked vegetables. I chatted with friends Geoff, Ange and Serena on facebook before we headed off to bed. This weekend I'll meet few friends and eat good food.

As to my 20's. On the whole I'd say they were a blast. I accomplished about 80% of what I wanted to with the BIG failure being not starting my MA. But overall I managed to get a BA, live in three countries and do more travelling than most people will do in a lifetime. I managed to get a solid job and with an MA one with huge upward mobility. I have made friends from many cultures all over the world, many of which I think are life long ones. Finally I feel like I've done stuff few other people will ever do and avoided getting trapped in a mortgage that has me house poor in Vancouver until I'm 65. While I have lots more to do, and I'm not always satisfied with the pace at which I'm doing it, on the whole I'd say my 20's were a huge success for me and what I wanted to do.

Here's to the next 10.

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